Friday, May 06, 2011

Playlist for May 4, 2011

Sorry I'm so late with this playlist. Had some tech difficulties. Won't happen again. (I hope!).

Bevis Frond - Malvolio's Dream Journey To Pikes - The Auntie Winnie Album (Reckless)
Carl Calm - Stamping Bent Money Lagoons - Dayglo Port
Fripp & Eno - Swastika Girls - Evening Star (Astralwerks)
Jefferson Airplane - Eskimo Blue Day - Volunteers (RCA)
Electric Prunes - I - Underground (Reprise)
Fifty Foot Hose - Fantasy - Cauldron (Weasel Disc)
Ultimate Spinach - Baroque - Ultimate Spinach (MGM)
Funkadelic - I'll Bet You - Funkadelic (Westbound)

Niles Chandler - Chop City USA
Black Pus Zero- River Ran Too Far - Ultimate Beat Off (Diarrhea)
Blacklab - DMT Nature - 2012 (excerpt)(darkambient dot org)

Doc Sonic

Johnny Greenwood - Moon Thrills, Moon Mall, Trench, Iron Swallow (from Bodysong soundtrack)

Art Of Noise - Il Pleure (At The Turn of the Century), Born On A Sunday (from The Seduction of Claude Debussy)

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