Tuesday, March 12, 2019

BARTLEMANIA! March 12, 14 and 17 2019

(Funny SoundExchange playlist format for this week and next. Back to normal afterwards!)

3-14-2019    22:00:00    4:05    James Last    Mr. Giant Man    Voodoo Party    Polydor
3-14-2019    22:04:00    6:12    Kraftwerk    Showroom Dummies    Trans-Europe Express    Capitol

3-14-2019    22:10:00    4:39    Bruce Haack    Program Me    Electric Lucifer    Omni
3-14-2019    22:15:00    5:57    Silver Apples    Dancing Gods    Silver Apples    MCA
3-14-2019    22:20:00    7:39    Komputor Mosheen    Komputer Mosheen (excerpt)    live at Greyhaven March 9, 2019    not on album    no label

3-14-2019    22:28:00    6:00    Tangerine Dream    Genesis    Electronic Meditations    Cherry Red
3-14-2019    22:36:00    6:36    Rick Wakeman    Catherine Howard    The 6 Wives Of Henry VIII    A&M

3-14-2019    22:42:00    6:50    Mother Mallard    Train    Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Co. 1970-73    Cuneiform
3-14-2019    22:50:00    6:00    George Harrison    No Time Or Space (excerpt)    Electronic Sound    Apple
3-14-2019    22:56:00    4:06    John Oswald    Brown    Plunderphonic    Fony

3-14-2019    23:00:00    13:12    Viola Yip     Lazy Susan    live at Greyhaven March 9, 2019    not on album    no label

3-14-2019    23:15:00    11:24    The Orb    Back Side Of The Moon    Peel Sessions    Strange Fruit
3-14-2019    23:26:00    6:35    Brian Eno & Cluster    The Belldog    After The Heat    Sky

3-14-2019    23:33:00    27:00    ElectroZone Jam    live at Greyhaven March 9, 2019    not on album    no label

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