Saturday, December 12, 2015

December 9-12, 2015 - John Lennon Interview, WHRW, June 1972

12/09/2015  0100  4:05  James Last  Mr. Giant Man  Voodoo Party  Polydor

12/09/2015  0105  45:00  John Lennon  Interview, WHRW-FM, June 1972  not on album  no label 

12/09/2015  0150  10:10  Funkadelic  Maggot Brain  Maggot Brain  Westbound
12/09/2015  0200  06:11  Funkadelic  Electro Cuties  Electric Spanking of War Babies  Priority

12/09/2015  0205  10:11  James Brown  Stone To The Bone  The Payback  Polydor
12/09/2015  0215  08:59  Frank Zappa  Son Of Mr. Green Genes  Hot Rats

12/09/2015  0224  07:20  The Bevis Frond  Malvolio's Dream Journey To Pikes  The Auntie Winnie Album  Reckless Records

Podcast Available HERE!

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