Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014 - Iris DeMent Interview

CAVEAT - Some of the language in this song is adult-themed. Apart from that, enjoy!

Neil Young - Spirit Road - Chrome Dreams II (Reprise)
Hot Tuna - Half-Time Saturation - Yellow Fever (Grunt)
Johnny Cash - The Beast In Me - American Recordings (American)

The Roches - Hammond Song - The Roches (WB)
Bob Dylan - Talkin' World War III Blues - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (Columbia)
Neil Young - Homegrown - American Stars 'n' Bars (Reprise) (request)

Iris DeMent Interview

Iris DeMent:

Sing The Delta - Sing The Delta (Flariella)
Infamous Angel - Infamous Angel (Philo)
Wasteland of the Free - The Way I Should (WB)
Livin' On The Inside - Sing The Delta (Flariella)
Let The Mystery Be - Infamous Angel (Philo)

Chris Bell - You & Your Sister - I Am The Cosmos (Ryko)
Holy Modal Rounders - Spring of '65 - Good Taste is Timeless (Metromedia)

The Beatles - Run For Your Life - Rubber Soul (Capitol)

Podcast Available HERE!

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