I shall be off the air next week due to
preventative maintenance.
I'll hopefully be back the following week.
Watch this space for details!
Bruce "Utah" Phillips
McCabes Guitar Shop
Santa Monica, Ca
February 14, 1987
Bevis Frond - Dry Rain - Succour (Flydaddy)
Faust - Picnic On A Frozen River - Faust IV (Caroline)
J Berberian & The Middle Eastern Ensemble - The Oud & The Fuzz - Middle Eastern Rock (Verve-Forecast)
European Jazz Ensemble - 3 in 4 or more - (At The Philarmonic Cologne (M A Music)
Linus Pauling Quartet - Dartania - Succour (Flydaddy)
Peter Hammill - Modern - Vision (Import)
State Of Bengal - Hunters - Visual Audio (6 Degrees)
Pop-O-Pies - Words of Jamal - Joe's First Record (Subterranean)
Porcupine Tree - Ptolemine Treescope - Succour (Flydaddy)
Flo & Eddie - Moving Targets - Moving Targets (Columbia)
Undo w/Rhys Chatham - B is B P is P - French Fried Funk (Kickin')
Frank Zappa - The Nancy & Mary Music - Chunga's Revenge (Ryko)
Frank Zappa - Oh No-Orange County Lumber Truck-Weasels Ripped My Flesh - Weasels Ripped My Flesh (Ryko)
The Orb - Spanish Castles in Space -The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld (Island)
Gary Owens - Ballad Of Willie Jackson - Put Your Head on My Finger (Pride/MGM)
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